Let's Improvise! (Part 2)
We've learnt about pentatonic scales, played them and used them to create melodies. Now we are going to try using what we have learnt in the context of an already existing piece. For this task, the second half of each phrase has been removed from the recording. Your task is to play along with the recording and fill in the gaps using the ideas we have learnt! You will be using Soundtrap to play the audio so you can have control over the speed, however you can also play along to the audio file at the bottom of the page. You can go to the Soundtrap file here.
Play the existing parts of the phrases along with the recording, leaving the gaps silent. This will help you feel how long you have to improvise and to get the melody and key under your fingers. The recording uses the notes of G major pentatonic (G, A, B, D, E) and starts on A.
Try adding in your ideas in the gaps. You can use the ideas you came up with in the last task as a starting point to help you. If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, refer to the Tips for Melody Writing in the last task.
Record yourself playing along with the audio on your device. You can use the empty track in Soundtrap to record yourself.
Using Soundtrap
If you are unsure how to use Soundtrap, you can change the tempo by pressing the number at the bottom of the browser and typing in a smaller number, as shown below. You can use the controls down the bottom of the page to control playback, but you can also use SPACEBAR to pause and play the audio.